As more businesses turn their focus to sustainable practice, the question is increasingly being asked - can we reduce the carbon emissions from our forklift operations?
The answer is simple - yes. If your business is operating internal combustion engines within your forklift fleet, replacing them with electric driven vehicles will have a direct impact on your company's carbon emissions. It is estimated that converting to electric forklifts can save up to 5 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.
Interestingly, conversion to a more eco-efficient operating model can present a win-win proposition. Whilst reducing carbon emissions, converting to eco-efficient models can also assist to reduce operating costs and support productivity.
Carbon Footprint

Forklifts are often an overlooked area in which warehouses and distribution centers can reduce carbon emissions. It is estimated that an electric forklift will save 5 tonnes of carbon emissions each year. Converting to electric forklifts can reduce your carbon footprint immediately.
Maintenance Costs

Over time, due to the simplicity of an electric motor there is potential to reduce your operational maintenance costs. There is no requirement for the likes of oil, oil filters and spark plugs.
Fuel Expenditure

The cost of operating your forklift on electricity is estimated to be approximately 10% of the cost of fossil fuels, providing immediate and ongoing savings.

With the development of advanced rapid and opportunity charge options, in high intensity usage applications there are opportunities to reduce the down time of your forklift operations. There is no need to stop for refueling on a regular basis.
Noise Pollution

Electric vehicles produce substantially less noise pollution, allowing the operator to hear better for enhanced operation and safety.